As a movement we believe in recognising those who display a ministry gift in the Body of Christ. These gifts may have various levels of maturity and expression and are therefore recognised according to the nature of their function.
Before a local church leadership can apply to the relevant credentialling authority in their state for a person to receive a Trainee Credential, they must endorse an applicant as competent in certain areas. These competencies require an applicant to have experienced and shown ability in numerous areas of service and leadership in the local church.
View these Competencies by downloading them below...
Credentials may be issued by the State Council to those in a training / apprenticeship role, for the purpose of giving official recognition to a person who:
• Fulfils regular pastoral, ministry and platform responsibilities in a local church as a minister in training, or
• Has been given responsibility for an outreach, or
• Is pioneering a local church with the objective of it becoming a recognised CRC Churches International Church, or
• Is fulfilling a viable form of ministry and is obviously a developing or established ministry gift.
Credentials may be issued to such persons who:
- Are members of a recognised CRC Churches International Church or a local Church acceptable to the relevant State Council or a ‘Para-Church’ organisation acceptable to the relevant State Council.
- Have the requisite proven natural and spiritual qualifications of an Elder as described in:
• 1 Timothy 3:1-13
• Titus 1:5-16
• 1 Peter 5:1-10
- Display the following characteristics:
• Demonstrate stability, wisdom and spiritual maturity in their Christian walk.
• Express a Ministry-Gift in accordance with Ephesians 4:11 etc
• Show integrity, loyalty and commitment to the fellowship and concepts of CRC Churches International.
- Agree to abide by the requirements of:
• The Charter of CRC Churches International;
• The Constitution of CRC Churches International - National Council;
• The Constitution of CRC Churches International - State Council, as applicable.
(For the full outline of credential requirements please see the Australian CRC Constitution, article 5)
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